Did you know that around seven in 10 Americans consume coffee daily? 

If you want to protect your pearly whites, cutting down on how much of the caffeinated beverage you drink is a good idea. Otherwise, you risk staining your teeth and dulling the brilliance of your smile. Should you want to continue enjoying your favorite hot drink, focus on your oral health regimen so your 100-watt smile continues lighting up any room you enter.

In addition to brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing daily, and using mouthwash once or twice a day, you should consider teeth whitening. Going to your dentist for teeth whitening treatments will yield long-lasting, beautiful results. Dentists use high concentrations of whitening agents to give you the desired results without the risks of DIY products that can damage your enamel. 

Here are five things you should consider avoiding—or limiting—to protect your smile.

  1. Sugary Foods and Drinks

If you want to protect your pearly whites, be mindful of the foods you eat and the drinks you consume. That's especially true when it comes to sugary foods.

High-sugar foods will wage war against your teeth. If you wish to avoid tooth decay, don't overdo it on candy, breakfast cereals, ice cream, and pop. And remember, it's best to avoid these things for your overall health. But if your sweet tooth simply won't be denied, ensure you regularly brush your teeth, floss, and use mouthwash. 

  1. Acidic Foods and Drinks

It's also key to be careful with acidic foods and drinks. While you don't have to fully abstain from many of the foods you enjoy, you should practice moderation. If you overdo it, the acidity in certain foods and drinks can wear down the enamel on your teeth

This will lessen their structural integrity and resistance to decay and potentially cause other oral health problems. So, enjoy things like sugary drinks, tomato soup, and citrus fruits in moderation.

  1. Hard Foods

Beware of hard foods that can do a number on your teeth. While you might be a fan of chomping down on ice, chicken bones, candy, and other hard morsels, doing so could potentially damage your teeth. Cracking or chipping your teeth won't only lessen the brilliance of your smile but also cause extreme discomfort. So, remember to be careful when consuming hard foods.

  1. Sticky Food

You should also be mindful when eating sticky food. Yes, gooey caramel, taffy, and other food with a sticky texture can be enjoyable. But unless you're diligent with your teeth health routine, you run the risk of problems like tooth decay. Sticky food can get lodged between your teeth, so it's important to take better care of your teeth if sticky foods are part of your diet.

  1. Hot Beverages

Do you enjoy drinking coffee or tea multiple times a day? Unless you're diligent with your oral health routine, coffee, tea, and wine can stain your teeth. These beverages contain something called tannins, which can stick to your teeth and leave a yellowish residue.

Most people eat or drink things that can negatively impact their teeth. Enjoying these things in moderation will help reduce problems, as will taking proper care of your teeth every day and seeing your dentist periodically for checkups and teeth cleanings. 

If your teeth look the worse for wear, you don't have to stick with the status quo. See your dentist to see what options they recommend to get your teeth looking their best and brightest.