When flu season approaches each year, it's wise to stock up on medical supplies for your home. That way, if you or someone in your family gets sick, you'll have everything necessary to treat the illness. To help you prepare, here's a list of seven healthcare items to have on hand during cold and flu season.
1. Over-the-Counter Cold and Flu Medicine
Once you catch a cold or the flu, there's little you can do other than ride out the illness. However, to help ease the symptoms, keep a ready supply of over-the-counter cold and flu medicine on hand. You should keep a supply of both daytime and nighttime formulas. Check the expiration dates of your medicine supply periodically and replace it as necessary.
2. Cooling Patches
One of the most unpleasant symptoms of the flu is a fever. Unfortunately, fever-reducing medication isn't always enough to alleviate the associated suffering. As a secondary treatment, cooling patches can be invaluable. So, keeping a box or two handy is a good idea.
3. Tissues
A ready supply of tissues is another must-have item on your flu season medical supply list. You'll go through tissues much faster than you realize during an illness. If you run out, you may resort to using rougher options like toilet paper or paper towels. Those will leave your nose red and sore and increase your suffering.
4. Plenty of Cough Drops
Cough drops are another valuable item to have on hand in case of illness. They are often the only way to soothe a sore throat when medicine fails on its own. You can even order cough drops in bulk online, so you needn't fear running out.
5. Sleep Aids
Getting adequate rest is one of the keys to shortening an illness's duration. Unfortunately, the symptoms of colds and the flu often make sleeping soundly challenging. To help, it's wise to keep some sleep aids in your medical supply arsenal.
6. A Thermometer
A working thermometer to track a fever is essential during cold and flu season. An excessively high fever can become life-threatening if left untreated. In some cases, your fever may exceed the capacity of your cold medicine's control. Having a thermometer available will let you judge when it's time to seek professional help.
7. Electrolyte Drinks
Remaining hydrated during an illness is important. That's why you should keep a supply of electrolyte drinks in your home. They can rehydrate you more effectively than water; some even contain beneficial vitamins to bolster your immune system.
Ready for Cold and Flu Season
Of course, avoiding infection is the best thing you can do during cold and flu season. So, wearing masks and using hand sanitizer is a good idea, too. However, the last thing you'll ever want is to end up sick in a home without supplies. It's always better to have the above supplies ready and never need them than to need them and not have them. The good news is that getting prepared is easy and inexpensive, so there's no reason not to.