Adopting a pet can change your life for the better. That may sound like a bold claim, but it's one that is backed by years of research and scientific evidence. A pet certainly has the power to change your life for the better, but only if you are willing to provide it with the same level of commitment and unconditional love that it will give to you.

1. Provide Unconditional Love

As long as we treat our pets right, they will love us unconditionally. It's a known fact that the companionship of an animal can benefit our mental health, and even reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

2. Decreases Feelings of Loneliness

The company a pet provides helps us feel less alone, especially in times of stress. One study conducted with dementia patients noted that even robotic substitutes concluded with the participants rating their levels of loneliness and depression as lower than

before. The robotic animals had fake fur and could perform actions such as meowing or wagging their tail, and were a sufficient substitute for actual pets among this particular demographic.

3. Make Us Feel Needed

Pets can also provide us with a sense of purpose and responsibility. We all want to feel needed, and we cannot do that without something we feel responsible for. Human beings cannot thrive without a sense of purpose in their lives. For some people, knowing that there is another being who both loves and cares for them is what they need.

And that's only scratching the surface! A quick internet search will reveal countless studies on the benefits a pet can have on our mental and even physical health, lists of pros and cons, and stories about the way pets have changed other people's lives.

While reading this article, images of puppies and kittens probably came to mind. Perhaps even a bird, fish, hamster, or rabbit -- all of the current most popular types of pets in the United States. While there's nothing wrong with those types of pets, they're not for everyone.

For some people, these types of pets simply aren't as appealing. If you're among the group of people who is searching for a pet, but can't imagine sharing your couch with a dog or housing a hamster, you may want to look towards exotic pets as an option.

With these more exotic pets, you should first conduct proper research on what the animal is like. In some jurisdictions, exotic pets may also not be legal to be adopted or won. While it's easy enough to get advice from friends or family on what common pets, like cats, dogs, or fish, may require in order to live a happy and fulfilling life, exotic pets require you to conduct your own research beforehand. The same advice that applies to your neighbor's dog may not apply to an adorable miniature cow, fennec fox, or porcupine.

Some of them have special dietary or environmental needs compared to other pets, and you should also check with your local veterinary offices to ensure your pet will be able to receive proper care should the need arise.