One of the most important and most overlooked aspects of cleaning a restaurant is the hood and duct system over the cooking equipment. The accumulation of grease in this system is a serious problem for any restaurant. Here is why it's so important to clean this area regularly.

Fire Risks

Grease actually becomes a vapor during frying and cooking, drifting upward to the hood and duct where it cools and solidifies. Over time, this process can create a thick layer of grease that can ignite, resulting in a destructive, fast-moving fire that endangers the entire structure. Grease catches fire at 700 degrees, a temperature that is easily reached by routine flare-ups on the cooking surface or in a deep fryer. When a heavy buildup of grease is present, fire can rapidly spread throughout the ventilation system, potentially spreading throughout the building. A fire like this can easily endanger the lives of staff and patrons as well as creating a serious risk of losing the building to fire.

Ventilation & the Work Environment

Restaurants can also create a safer, more comfortable workplace for their employees with proper cleaning of ducts and hoods. When grease builds up in the ventilation system, air flow is impeded. This allows more heat, steam, and grease to remain in the work area. Workers can suffer heat stress and experience buildup of grease on their clothing, skin, and hair, creating a fire hazard and endangering sanitation. This hurts worker productivity, damages morale, and creates increased costs for uniform cleaning and replacement. Grease can also precipitate onto work surfaces and floors, creating slip hazards that could lead to injuries.

Regulatory Impacts

Not surprisingly, all these factors can have an effect on the restaurant's bottom line, its ability to remain open, and even its livelihood in a court of law. Ongoing issues with grease buildup in range hoods and ducts can draw the attention - and the penalties - of health inspectors. At a minimum, they will issue citations. Fire department personnel may also highlight these issues, potentially creating additional fines and even leading to temporary restaurant closures. Should a worker suffer an injury in a kitchen that has not been properly cleaned, there could be significant civil and even criminal penalties for the restaurant's ownership and management.

How Professional Duct Cleaning Can Prevent All These Problems and More

The key to avoiding all these issues to have the ducts and vents professionally cleaned on a regular basis. Staff should continue to do daily cleanup, but there still needs to be a system in place for deep cleaning by professionals. The frequency depends on your ventilation system and the amount of cooking your kitchen does, but maintaining a routine cleaning schedule will reduce the risk of fires and eliminate all the additional safety and regulatory issues that can come with poor maintenance of the system. Find a qualified duct and hood cleaning company to maintain your ventilation and ductwork system so that your restaurant remains clean, safe, and trouble-free.