People and pets aren't the only ones who like to be warm and cozy in winter. Mice, roaches, and other pests also search for warm escapes in cold weather. Unless you take a few precautions, your home may become their favorite winter hangout.

Winter pest control is important. Some pests can spread diseases and make your family sick and others can do structural damage to your home. Along with these tips to keep pests at bay this winter, consider signing up for a professional insect exterminator.

Seal All Entry Points

A good way to begin your winter pest control is by sealing all entry points with materials like aluminum mesh, wood putty, or exterior chaulking. Underneath doors, tiny openings in unsealed windows, around vents, pipes, and cracks in the foundation are all invitations to pests to come on in. As a bonus, you'll also be winterizing your home against cold air coming in.

If you have a chimney, check it for nesting rodents.

Keep a Clean Kitchen

Don't let insects feast on crumbs on the kitchen floor and countertops. Keep dirty dishes out of the sink and off the counters, and take out the garbage regularly. Put food scraps outdoors and start a compost pile. Store food in airtight containers.

Most grocery stores adhere to strict pest prevention rules, but pests can still hitchhike into your home on produce. Rinse off produce as soon as you get it home.

Clean Up Outdoors

Do you have trees or shrubs growing close to your home? Branches that touch your home's exterior are like bridges for pests to cross and search for entry points. Trim branches back to 3 or 4 feet away from the house.

Leaves and debris in gutters create conditions for pests to thrive. Keeping your gutters cleaned out will cut down on pests and also help protect the life of your roof.

Declutter Your Home

Items like gift wraps and cardboard boxes can pile up quickly during the winter holidays. Roaches in particular love to munch on cardboard, and boxes give all pests something to hide in. Keep gift wrap in an airtight container. Take paper, cardboard, and plastic shopping bags to the recycling center regularly.

Fix Water Leaks

Rodents and insects seek out moisture to get them through the harsh winter. Any water sources in your home will lure them indoors. It's important to keep any leaky pipes or appliances repaired for more than one reason. Moisture can also cause the growth of unhealthy mold, another common household pest!

If you are often bothered by pests, a dehumidifier will help reduce the moisture content in your home.

Sign up for Pest Control Services

DIY pest control takes time and effort, and keeping your home bug-free is a never-ending battle. The best way to keep out unwanted visitors during the winter months is to sign up for a quarterly pest control plan with an exterminating company. They have the skills and equipment to keep your home pest-free all year.